5 min readJun 25, 2022

Announcement: Sensi Leadership Change & New Team Members

Dear Sensi Community,

With Smart Yield around the corner, we would like to make use of the moment to announce a change in the Leadership team. Patrick will step down as CEO and his position will be taken by Zach. These changes will take effect immediately.

Zach has been a valuable member of the Sensi team since the start. He has already been worked into the CEO role by Patrick for several weeks and this will continue the coming weeks.

Patrick will pursue a new role outside Sensi, which does not allow a combined public leadership role at Sensi. We thank Patrick for his work the past year and welcome Zach to the leadership team. Patrick will keep supporting the team where needed in the coming time and he will stay close to the Sensi project.

Patrick and Zach have both prepared statements to address the community personally, and to provide clarity on the transition.

Patrick: “I want to thank everyone for their support. First of all, the team members. It has been an amazing journey since last year around this time. Launching Smart Yield is a huge milestone after Sensi v3 was born. The journey with Magnus, Tony, AR, Molly, Zach, Jin Yang, Crissy, KV and all the mods has been memorable. We learned a lot along the way in this crypto, DeFi territory.

The community has been awesome! Demanding and sharp as always, but also loyal and that is what makes Sensi unique. I am sure Sensi will continue to grow. I will always keep a warm heart for Sensi and will stay close to the team if they need me and of course I will stay part of the community. I wish Zach the best in his new role and it is obvious that I will be there for him in case any support is needed.”

Zach: “I’d like to echo Patrick’s sentiments, and thank our community for being so great throughout our journey in the crypto world. I am beyond excited to see us taking our final steps towards the release of Smart Yield, and even more excited to be stepping up to this leadership role here at Sensi. Having been here since day one, it is beyond my wildest imagination to see Sensi grow to what it is today.

I come from a background of many years in leadership as a founder and director of various companies, in a handful of public/private sectors. From manufacturing, to SaaS, marine, and a few others, I am thrilled to utilize my corporate leadership experience at Sensi to help propel us towards our ambitious goals, and beyond.

As a community, I understand that some of you may wonder if this transition will have any effect on the timeline of Sensi. Fortunately, this process has been mainly completed “behind the scenes” over the previous few weeks, and will have no ill-effects on any timelines. We have aimed to make this as seamless as possible, and I am happy to say that we have succeeded in doing so. Should any of you happen to have any questions, concerns, or inquiries, I will be happy to address them accordingly.

Coincident with any sort of leadership change in the corporate world, certain things will be handled and run a bit differently, but to the satisfaction of the community. During my position here at Sensi, there are a few key things that I intend to maintain. This includes transparency, openness to new ideas/suggestions, and the overall “community effort” ambience that we employ and run off of, to name a few. Aside from that, there are also a few key things that I intend to introduce as well. Namely, weekly updates, of some sort. I understand that this has been one of our largest requests from the community, and I wholeheartedly agree.

These updates may not always include something pertinent to development or SY simply due to workflow and complexities with development, however I have spent quite a bit of time theorizing other things that we as a team can summarize each week for all of you. I personally feel that aside from development/SY, there is a large host of important components to Sensi and our community that are important to monitor and discuss. Engagement rate and community size are amongst a few, but are a small portion of the indicators and data we have in order to see how we are growing and maturing as a whole. Data and indicators such as this, will of course be included in these weekly updates. Again, if there are any questions, concerns, inquiries, or ideas, feel free to direct them to our/my attention at any time.

To conclude, hopefully this announcement finds all of you well. Our goal with this decision is to structure ourselves and our team in order to deliver the best experience, growth, and knowledge to all of you in our community. As a final note prior to concluding this announcement, I would like to express a overwhelmingly large thank you to Patrick for his experience, knowledge, help, and tireless hours that he has given to Sensi, along with our wonderful team of developers, community management, moderators, and everyone else who has come together to be a helping hand in creating what Sensi is today. Every single one of you have worked tirelessly through the thick and thin, and I cannot muster enough words of gratitude for the outstanding and selfless work that you all have dedicated to Sensi.

I look forward to personally working and interacting with each and every one of you within the team, the community, newcomers, and everyone in between. I am ecstatic to further our relationship as a family that we have all become. Without further adieu, I’d also like to introduce our two new members of the Sensi Development Team! ”

Addition of two new (development) team members
Sensi is adding two new members to the team to support the project on the tech side. We are delighted to add long term community members and investors Timmey and TheApricotMan. With the addition of Timmey and TheApricotMan to the tech side of the team, we add more hands on the project from a development point of view. Both new team members have been joining tech calls over the past period to learn all the ins and outs about Sensi and Smart Yield. We like to welcome them and wish them a lot of fun in their new roles!

Thank you.

Patrick, Former CEO
Residing CEO


Written by Sensi

DeFi Investing Simplified

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